Any idea where these 148 Scuba BC Name Tags might be going? Perhaps a very large scuba instructor development training course? Maybe a dive club with many active members? Both good guesses but these Scuba BC Name Tags will be used by the volunteer divers that you see diving at the National Aquarium in Baltimore, MD. Now you will be able to say you saw Dave or Lisa in the big tank instead of nameless divers in black wetsuits. This simple but effective scuba name tag wraps around the shoulder strap of most standard scuba BCs.
We make scuba equipment tags for all kinds of organizations. This is the second set of tags we have made for the National Aquarium. We have also done tags for numerous dive shops, clubs, and resorts. We have made scuba and equipment tags for the Boy Scouts Florida Sea Base, the Federal Bureau of Investigation Underwater Forensics teams, National Laboratories, and several branches of the US military. How about you? Could you use a set of tags for your scuba diving gear?
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